Dear parents/carers,
As I am sure you are now aware, the Government has announced that all schools will close at the end of the day on Friday until further notice. I wanted to again provide you with specific information regarding how we intend to provide work for our students.
Staff in all subject areas have developed a significant amount of resources to share with students via the Show My Homework platform. Work will be uploaded and reviewed on a daily basis. Please ensure you have your parent log-in details and your son/daughter has his/her log-in details for Show My Homework as this will be the main method of sharing work with students. If you don’t have the log-in details please contact my PA, Miss Walendziewski, via email [email protected] or via telephone on 01332 204040 to request your details. Please also let us know, as a matter of urgency, if your son/daughter doesn’t have computer or internet access via contact with Miss Walendziewski.
The College will set work in Mathematics, Science and Modern Foreign Languages using additional online learning platforms. Details of how to access the relevant sites are available in the documents on the Learning Resources page of the College website: Please check this page for further updates. The home page of the College website now includes an enquiry form that will enable you to make direct contact with senior leaders, Heads of Year and subject leaders.
Throughout the duration of the enforced closure College staff will be contactable via their school email accounts and via Show My Homework. The College Reception and telephone lines will remain open. We will continue to set work for our students in Year 11 and Year 13. We feel it is important that they remain engaged in their learning in preparation for their next steps. We are incredibly proud of our Year 11 and Year 13 students. They have been the most amazing group of young people to work with and we will continue to offer them our support.
During this period of enforced closure the school will remain open for children of key workers. Please make us aware if you are a key worker, this group includes NHS staff, Police and other Emergency Services, Teachers, Social Care staff, Care Home staff and supermarket delivery drivers. Thank you to those of you who have already been in contact. Please email [email protected] or contact us via telephone on 01332 204040. Please let us know your child’s name, your employer and if you intend to send your son/daughter to school during the period of enforced closure. Further details on this will follow.
The school will also remain open for vulnerable children. Vulnerable children are young people with an Education Health and Care Plan, Looked After Children, Children subject to a Child Protection Order and young people classed as Child In Need . We are in the process of contacting parents/ carers to invite these young people into school.
If your son/ daughter is eligible for free school meals and your child is not attending school we will be providing you with a food voucher. We are in the process of securing the vouchers and will distribute these to families at the start of next week.
Please continue to check our website for further details. We appreciate these are unprecedented times and we will do our very best to ensure all our students have access to high quality learning during this period of enforced closure. If you have any questions on any of the issues above please don’t hesitate to contact me via my PA (contact details above).
Alison Brannick