Dear parents/carers,
As we approach the end of the first week of the enforced school closure with most of our young people studying at home, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. These are unprecedented and uncertain times for all of us and we are very grateful for the hard work parents are putting in. We know it’s not easy trying to be both parent and teacher but we really appreciate the steps you are taking to support your child’s education.
Some of you have contacted us to tell us your son/daughter feels overwhelmed with the volume of work he/she has been asked to complete. Conversely, we also know from monitoring Show My Homework, a very small proportion of students have not yet accessed their school work. We are here to support you, please contact us via the contact form on the home page of our website or call us on 01332 204040 if you have any concerns. Our telephone lines remain open from 8.00am – 3.00pm, Monday to Friday.
I have shared your concerns regarding the volume of work being uploaded to SMHW with staff and I hope this situation will ease. Please stress to your child that we just want them to try their best, we don’t want any of our students to feel anxious about not being able complete all the work that has been set for them. We are lucky to have such a dedicated team of staff who are keen to ensure their students don’t fall behind with their studies but we are aware this is already an unusual and stressful experience and don’t want to heighten that for any young person.
The College is open from 9am until 2.30pm for children of key workers and young people classed as vulnerable. Please let us know if you need your child to attend this provision but please follow the Government advice to keep your child at home, if at all possible.
We are constantly updating our website with information on the current situation, resources and support. Please keep checking this page for regular updates:
Thank you again for your support during these challenging times. Please take care, stay at home and stay safe.
Alison Brannick