We wanted to share with you the latest information from the Department for Education in regard to how examination grades will be awarded this summer. Below are links to two documents that have been published this morning and are very helpful in explaining how grades will be awarded.
Read the letter from Ofqual
Read the Ofqual guidance document
After Easter schools will be asked to submit a centre assessment grade to the examination boards for every student in each of their subjects. The centre assessment grade will be based on a variety of evidence, including data from classwork, assignments and trial examinations. Examination boards will then standardise the data to create a final examination grade for students in each subject they are entered for.
We will not be able to share our centre assessment grades with students, parents or carers. The results will be provided to students on the pre published examination results’ days in August or slightly earlier. There will be an appeal process students can follow if they are unhappy with the grade awarded. There will also be the opportunity to sit an exam in the new academic year if students feel their grade was unfair.
We are still waiting for clarification on how grades for vocational courses will be awarded.
We hope you find this information helpful. We will continue to keep you up to date with information we receive from the Department for Education. If you have any questions on this subject please don’t hesitate to get in touch.