Good afternoon,
I wanted to write to you to thank you and your children for your cooperation and support with the full reopening of the school. We are delighted with how smoothly the reopening has gone, it really is an example of the Landau community at its very best, everyone working together to ensure the school is a happy and safe learning environment. All our year groups have settled in incredibly well and really impressed us, it has been a real pleasure to welcome our new Year 7 and Year 12 students to the school.
Open Evenings/ Parents’ Evenings/ Parents’ Information Evenings
As I am sure you are aware, we can’t currently hold events such as open evenings and parents’ evenings in the ways we have previously. We will upload information to our website for our Year 7 and Sixth Form Open Evenings and our Parents’ Information Evenings. If you are the parent of one of our Year 11 students, please have a look at Twitter, @LFCDerby, and our website. We have recently uploaded an information video for parents on the changes to GCSE content and how best to support your child during Year 11. We will upload information videos for our Year 7 Open Evening during the week beginning 21 September. With regards to Parents’ Evenings, we are currently investigating ways to use an online platform to facilitate these events and we will be in touch with more detail in the very near future. We know how valuable parents and students find direct feedback from subjectteachers.
Parking at College/ on Fox Street
If you collect or drop off your child in a car from Fox Street please observe the parking restrictions and road safety. Please do not double park on Fox Street. Unfortunately, parents are regularly parking on double yellow lines on both sides of the road. As you can image, the road quickly becomes grid locked. This means that students who wish to cross Fox Street have to walk out into the road between parked cars, with limited visibility. We appreciate that there is limited space whilst dropping off/ waiting for your sons and daughters but we would ask that, if possible, you car share with other families or make arrangements to drop off or meet your child on an adjacent street.
We have several young people who require specialist transport to and from school or whose parents need access to the disabled parking bays to collect them from school. These bays are becoming blocked by parents who are waiting for their children, please do not block these areas and please be considerate of students who access the specialist transport at the start and end of the day. Thank you for your support. It is vital that we keep Fox Street and the College driveway safe for our students.
Chicken Pox, Measles and Shingles
One of our students is receiving medical treatment for cancer which puts them at risk of becoming very unwell if they are exposed to measles, chicken pox and shingles. If they are exposed to chicken pox they will need to be given treatment as soon as possible. If your child is suspected of having chicken pox please let us know immediately.
Your child is not at any risk from this situation. However, the health and wellbeing of our student who is at risk, does depend of the cooperation of all other parents and carers and we ask for your help in this. Should you have any concerns or queries, please contact the School Nurse, Mrs Shelton, on 01332 204040 or [email protected]
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Kindest regards,
Alison Brannick