This summary should be read in conjunction with College’s policies pertaining to Behaviour Management Through Rewards and Recognition and Child Protection & Safeguarding. These documents can be downloaded below. It takes into account the Department for Education’s guidance on the Prevent Duty (2015) and Promoting Fundamental British Values as part of SMSC in Schools (2014); the latter states:
“Schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
1. Curriculum
The College seeks to prepare students for life in modern Britain and endorses British values. Fundamental British values are actively promoted through a number of mechanisms, both formally and informally. They permeate College culture and are applied to many contexts. They are never artificial or forced.
The following specific examples illustrate how British values are promoted throughout the College:
- A strong whole-college ethos, underpinned by the College mission and key objectives.
- Regular ‘Gatherings’ reinforcing our ethos and key messages. These have recently included homophobic and transphobic bullying, keeping safe online, forced marriage and RISK (Relationships, Intoxicating substances, Sex and Keeping safe on-line) week.
- Annual feature of Remembrance includes adherence to the 2 minute silence and presentations and discussion at Tutor time.
- Our Ethos reinforced via inclusive practices, including the Managing Behaviour through Rewards and Recognition, REACH and the policy and approach to Effective Learning.
- All College policies & practices reviewed by governors for compliance with equal opportunities.
- The College actively challenges homophobic and transphobic language and attitudes.
- Successful integration of students from over 20 different countries who speak 30+ different languages into the Landau Forte ethos where diversity is valued.
- Strong Personal Tutorial (pastoral) structures with vertical mixed aged Tutor groups across the entire age range and including sixth formers. The Team of Personal Tutors are well trained and led by Heads of Year. Students learn from and with one another and a family atmosphere based on mutual support is evident. There is a daily stimulus for this session which is also often the vehicle for the delivery of social education.
- The Student Council has student representatives from across the age range. The Executive Team apply for roles and are appointed by the Principal. The Team organise themselves, take cabinet responsibility and regularly communicate with the Principal and her team. For example, the Chair and Vice Chairs are invited to attend Executive Meetings periodically.
- A programme of charitable events and fund raising organised and led by student body include our annual Children In Need Day (raising in excess of £9k annually) and charity days decided by the Student Council.
- Humanities curricula teach students to critically evaluate world and British historical events, ideas and political ideals and to understand and respect a range of religious and non-religious viewpoints and faiths.
- The English curriculum explores a range of values through Literature, such as courage and duty in Private Peaceful, or democracy vs dictatorship in Lord of the Flies. Language analysis underpins the study of race and politics in the Protest unit, for example.
- The Science curriculum teaches students to evaluate ethical and religious issues regarding the perception of Science. Psychology students learn the ethical and legal considerations required in research studies. Health, sexual health, mental health and community care are taught at appropriate phases of the curriculum.
- Business Studies students learn to understand business ethics, discrimination and Equal Opportunities, and the essential role of taxation in funding public services.
- Strong Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education programmes in all year groups, via the Personal Tutorial or bespoke Core Programmes. In Year 12, for example, all students learn about and reflect on British legal and political systems.
- Extensive enrichment programme including visits including local, national and overseas, plus work with external businesses and partners.
2. Employability Skills
We place a strong emphasis on ensuring our students are not only qualified but equipped for the world of work. The success of this strategy is evidenced in our very low NEET figures, year on year. Our programme includes:
- Prioritisation of development of literacy and numeracy skills, supported by LSAs and/or post-16 mentors. Students for whom English is an additional language (EAL) receive extra support from EAL team, of whom one is a Polish national.
- Cross-curricular teaching of Effective Learning habits, including collaboration, questioning and resilience, develops vital skills of communication, independence, perseverance, problem solving and reflection.
- Broad balanced curriculum with an appropriate range of guided pathway processed in Year 9 and Year 11, allowing students to pursue appropriate courses including full range of academic and vocational qualifications.
- Work-related learning placements for all students in Year 9, Year 10 and Year 12.
- Mock interviews with local employers for Apprenticeship applicants; mock interviews with community stakeholders for competitive courses, such as Primary Education and Medicine.
- Enrichment and enterprise activities with local employers including Rolls-Royce, Bombardier,
- Careers guidance, via the Core Programme, from Year 8 to Year 13, and through access to an independent CIAG Counsellor.
- Winner of Derbyshire Chamber of Commerce School of the Year Award for Employability Education in 2013.
3. Life Skills
Whilst preparation for work is important, we believe it is important to prepare our students to be able to live healthy, safe, confident and independent adult lives. We prepare our young people to make appropriate life choices through:
- The Personal Tutorial system, the Core Programme and bespoke events – such as RISK Week – educate all students about personal safety, health & hygiene, sex, relationships, drugs, alcohol, careers, politics, money management, equal opportunities, discrimination and the law. Targeted intervention takes place for individuals who require input from external agencies, such as the Youth Crime Prevention Worker.
- Peer-mentoring by trained post-16 mentors.
- At KS3, all students are taught about basic food preparation, hygiene, diet and nutrition and the skills to cook healthy meals.
- A varied PE Core programme, and wide ranging PE extensions opportunities, encourage healthy approaches to exercise; a number of teams and individuals entered into local, regional and national competitions.
- A rich cultural programme including music, drama, dance and art within the taught curriculum and varied extension activities including theatre and gallery visits, a number of bands and annual school production.
- Promotion of reading for pleasure through Everyone Reads in College or the Accelerated Reader programme.
- The EAL Team liaises closely with the LA New Communities Team to support students who are new to Britain with the support they need to become confident and positive British Citizens.