We’re excited to welcome you to the Landau Forte College Derby Sixth Form Virtual Open Event. While this event is different to our traditional on-site open evenings, you won’t miss anything we have to offer with our videos, virtual tours and more – all available below.
A Welcome from the Principal
Our sixth form curriculum provides equity for all learners, irrespective of where they were previously educated, their individual career goals or their prior attainment. Both our taught and wider curriculum is logically sequenced and ensures our sixth form students have regular opportunities to practise what they know, constantly developing their breadth and depth of knowledge.
Our curriculum intent is driven by a strong moral purpose to ensure what we offer is both personalised and challenging, yet through assertive support, enables students to become both maximally qualified but also responsible, safe and healthy citizens in the real and digital world with an acute awareness of their developing role as young adults.
Through memorable experiences both in and outside of the classroom, we ensure our sixth form students subsequently progress to their preferred destinations, fully informed and prepared to play a role in positively shaping the future on a global, national and local scale.
You can read about our course requirements and find out more about the curriculum by using the buttons below.
Find out more about the Sixth Form curriculum
What’s it like being a student here?
“I am extremely pleased with my results and I am thankful for the support I have received from the staff here.”
Ex Year 13 student, reading Medicine at the University of Leicester
“Learning Tutors don’t give up on you. They keep challenging you to be the best you can be.”
Year 13 student
“The encouragement and support I have received from my Learning Tutors is one of the key reasons I wanted to progress into Sixth Form education here.”
Year 13 Student
“The Learning Tutors know my strengths and weaknesses and give me tailored, specific advice on hoe to improve my performance.”
Year 12 Student
What do we offer?
Our sixth formers follow A-level pathways tailored to their strengths and interests. Students will usually follow a three subject pathway throughout the sixth form but we are happy to discuss the possibility of an additional subject at the start of Year 12. We always reflect on, and where necessary seek to amend, pathways at the end of Year 12. This ensures students will leave sixth form with the best set of qualifications possible to enable them to progress to their chosen destination. Students follow a program to support progression into higher education or employment and training. Their main studies are enhanced with a core program which includes work experience, robust careers education and independent information, advice and guidance. Many students also have the opportunity to study the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Independent learning is vital to the success of every sixth form student. Our expectation is that students are fully engaged with their chosen subjects. A passion to study the subjects will drive them to discover them thoroughly and so release their full potential.
Course choices
Option Block A | Option Block B | Option Block C | Option Block D | Option Block E |
A Level Art & Design | A Level Geography | A Level Biology | A Level Physics | A Level Chemistry |
A Level Chemistry | A Level Biology | A Level Business | A Level History | A Level Psychology |
A Level Mathematics | A Level Computer Science | A Level English Language and Literature | A Level Mathematics | A Level Mathematics |
A Level Product Design | A Level Religious Studies | A Level Further Mathematics | A Level German | A Level Spanish |
What grades will I need?
Facilitating A Level Subjects
If you don’t know what you want to study at university after your A Levels it may be worth considering at least one facilitating subject to keep your degree options open. Choosing two will keep an even wider range of degrees open to you.
The facilitating subjects are:
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English
- Geography
- History
- Mathematics
- Modern Languages
- Physics
These A Level subjects are the most commonly asked for in universities’ entry requirements, regardless of the course you’re applying to.
Remember some degree courses have very specific entry requirements, so if you do have a specific degree in mind please check their entry requirements before choosing your A Levels.
You may find the following websites useful:
What exactly will I be studying in…?
Use the button below to view our curriculum overviews.
Read the College’s curriculum overviews
What is the structure of the day and year?
All students at Landau Forte College Derby follow a five term year which for new sixth formers, starts with the Year 12 Induction in early September. This event is typically held over two days and allows students to be become acquainted with both the College, its operation and the individual subjects that they will be studying. There will be plenty of time for questions and this allows students to then make an immediate and positive start to their learning from their first day. Each term is followed by a two week holiday, except of course the longer summer break.
Sixth form students will need to attend College for all their sessions, including those that comprise the Core Curriculum such as tutor time, Learning for Life and their year Gatherings (assemblies). In addition, students will occasionally be required to attend College for additional learning; this might be an individual or small group tutorial with a teacher or may be in a larger group for a visiting speaker or external event.
Sixth form students receive ten sessions a fortnight in each of their subjects. These are usually delivered by two subject specialists. There are up to six sessions each day, starting at 8.30am with session 6 finishing at 2.40pm. Tutor time runs until 3.20pm. On average, most students can expect approximately 14 private study sessions each week. Students are encouraged to use the time after 3.20pm to seek additional support from teachers who remain on-site until 4.30pm.
Students in Year 12 normally start their sixth form experience attending College all day, including for their private study sessions. This enables them to become acclimatised to the unique demands of sixth form education, particularly the necessity to use their time outside of formal sessions in an effective manner. Liaising with their teachers and collaborating with their peers are essential habits that students will be supported in developing early in their sixth form experience. Once there is evidence that students have successfully made this transition, they are given the responsibility to manage their own time and can study from home if they wish during private study sessions.
What provision is there for SEN at the College?
Our sixth from support is very much an extension of the high level input we offer across all years. However, we seek to support young people to feel empowered in discussing, seeking and coordinating their own support. It is crucial that they leave us ready to advocate for themselves at University, work and beyond. As a result, we work alongside our students in creating their support package which include but is not exclusive to:
- Co-writing an Individual Learning Plan to be shared with teaching staff
- Agreeing on a check-in schedule (weekly/fortnightly/half-termly) with our sixth form Lead Learning Support Assistant – this allows progress to be reviewed and concerns flagged early
- Establishing any priority subjects for support – this involves drop-in or hover support unless there is a specified need for something more comprehensive
- Agreeing and implementing any exam support arrangements
- UCAS/CV support sessions including guidance on DSA
- Support to set up work-placements where needed
- Co-writing referrals for additional support or intervention if needed
Additionally, we build strong links with parents and carers to ensure they are kept informed of the support in place. We utilise the Post-16 parents evening, offering an appointment to all parents/carers of students who are on the Code of Practice with one of our team.
What can I wear?
Use the button below to view our Sixth Form dress code.
View the Sixth Form Dress Code
How do I apply?
Ready to apply for your place at the College? Use the button below to begin your online application.
Applications must be received by the deadlines below:
- Returning Landau Forte College Derby students: Friday, 13 November 2020
- New students: Friday, 29 January 2021
You will receive email notification that your form has been received and a written response in February 2021. If you receive a conditional offer you will need to contact the sixth form team on GCSE Results Day with news of your grades.
Following careful review of the information available on our website, please feel free to contact a member of the sixth form team if you wish to discuss your options or have any further questions.
How will I know how I’m progressing?
We believe that the success of our sixth formers is facilitated by the effective relationships between the College and our parents/carers. Students will receive formal reports three times a year; for each subject, these reports will include the student’s target grade and the expected final grade, based on current performance. Reports also comment on effort, punctuality and attendance. There are several formal Parents’ Evenings throughout Year 12 and 13 where parents/ carers and the student meet with Learning Tutors to discuss progress and the next steps in learning. In addition to the formal consultations with the student’s Personal Tutor and Learning Tutors, parents/carers are encouraged to contact the College at any point to discuss any aspect of a student’s progress or wellbeing.
I still have questions
If you still have questions you can use the form below to submit them directly to our sixth form team who will respond as quickly as they can.
We want…
- You to maximise your academic potential whilst developing your character, abilities, confidence, curiosity and love of learning.
- You to feel that you are welcomed, challenged, inspired, valued, secure and cared for.
- You to enjoy your learning and enjoy coming to Landau Forte College every day.
- You to have as many choices available to you as possible, before, during and after your time with us.