Welcome to the class of 2020
Are you a student or a parent/carer looking to gather more information about joining Landau Forte College Derby in September 2020? Well, you are in the right place! We know this is an unusual year to be making the transition from your primary school to secondary school but we hope this section of our website will help. Here you can explore many aspects of life at Landau and we hope you will find it useful.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Take a virtual tour
- Meet your Head of Year team
- Meet your Head of House
- Watch a little hello video from our Student Support team
We also have a video by James, a current Year 7. In it he answers lots of your questions. Don’t worry, if he does not answer your question or there is something you or your parent/carer is still unsure about. You can always email us and we will happily help.
Contact the Life at Landau team
Take a virtual tour
A welcome from your new Principal
Ms Brannick is incredibly proud of the College and everyone in it. She cannot wait to meet you and your family and support your journey from Year 7 to Year 11 and, perhaps, to Year 13 too. In this video she has a message for you all:
Meet your Head of Year team
Mrs Kenworthy and Miss Hicks will be right beside you from day one, ready to help you get settled, support your learning and wellbeing and challenge you to be the best you can be. Please watch this video so you recognise them and can give them a wave or a nice friendly hello when you meet them.
The Student Support Team
You are joining a school in which absolutely everyone cares about you and your wellbeing. However, sometimes it is nice to have someone special you can reach out to if you need it. Each of you will have a Personal Tutor who you will see at the end of every day. You can speak with them about anything at all and they will always support you. You can all also get to know our Student Support team who introduce themselves in the video below. They are really looking forward to getting to know you too.
A hello from the Heads of Houses
The battle for the House Cup is fiercely fought every year and we hope you are ready to do your bit! Meet the Heads of Houses in the video below and be ready to find out your team colours in September and get involved in all the competitions the College has to offer:
Your questions answered
A booklet for students
We have sent this booklet home for you to read over the summer. We hope you like it! It is attached here so you can download it too. There are two versions; you can read them both if you like! One is for students who have additional needs and might need extra information to help them feel confident. We welcome all young people and we are proud to celebrate our differences. We know in joining the College you will want to become the best person you can be, always being thoughtful and kind to others regardless of whether they are different to you. If you know someone with a disability or special needs coming to the College from your primary school or neighbourhood, why don’t you see how they are feeling and offer your support?
A booklet for parents
A warm welcome to our parents and carers and a special thank you for taking the time to explore this section of the website to equip your young person with all they need to make a great start. The booklet you can download below has been sent home to you but we have attached it here for your ongoing reference. The insert is for families who may have a young person with some additional vulnerabilities but all are welcome to view it and we encourage you to get in contact if you think that may include your child. All questions and thoughts are encouraged and we hope to hear from you.
Contact the Life at Landau team
Getting to know you
This is the getting to know you form we would like you to fill in over the summer. Your Personal Tutor will ask for it when you start so make it detailed and interesting!
Getting to know us
In this section, we have lots of photos and interesting information on lots of our college staff. Why don’t you explore and get to know some of us? You never know, they might be your tutor, serve your lunch on your first day or say hello to you at Reception.

Miss Adams
Reading, swimming, travelling.
I have competed in lots of different sports, from trampolining to sailing.
Make the most of every opportunity.

Mr Armah
Computer Science
Programming, Volleyball, Videogames, Japanese anime
I was born in Italy and my first language is Italian. I moved to the UK when I was 18. I have worked in a video games company and I have also been a volleyball coach. I love teaching because it allows me to join both my passions of supporting young people and sharing my passion for Computer Science.
You will learn a lot of new things at Landau and you will love the extra curricular activities we have to offer. We can't wait to meet you all and learn together!

Mrs Askham
A Level Psychology
I have two little children which keep me very busy, but I love to go on long walks with my dog! He is a cross breed and is called Rodney.
I love to read and I love to learn more about the subject I teach - as the world of Psychology is forever changing!
I used to work and teach in a prison.
Embrace every opportunity Landau Forte College has to offer and just enjoy your days learning something new with us!

Mrs Barker
I am the Technician in Art but also support in Food Technology lessons
I enjoy baking, especially making and decorating Birthday cakes for family and friends.
I have a Design background and when time allows I love to create Textile Art using Weaving and Felting Techniques.
I make regularly make Fancy Dress costumes. I have made several Dance dresses and Ballgowns and Bridesmaid dresses.
If your School uniform needs an emergency repair whilst in class don’t hesitate to ask me!
I was a Fashion Designer after Graduating from Art College and worked for many years designing clothing for companies such as Marks & Spencer, John Lewis, Boots, Pineapple, Head Sportswear and Fred Perry. This involved travelling at least twice a year to European cities, visiting major Fashion Exhibitions and Fashion Shows for ideas and inspiration for my designs.
I support your Art Teacher during practical Art lessons and will give you any help or advice if you need it - so please ask! One thing I will ask you is to try first. Very often students tell me they can’t do a particular task, if you have a go you may find it is something you’re really good at and enjoy creating after all.
In the words of the great artist Pablo Picasso “ All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

Miss Barnett
I love travelling to new places and exploring new cities. I also enjoy walking in the countryside and reading. More recently though my hobbies have included watching a lot of things on Netflix!
I used to be a cave guide and my first ever job was working at Alton Towers.
Don't feel anxious about coming to secondary school, remember everyone is in exactly the same position as you. Teachers are there to help you so make sure you ask them if you have any questions or concerns and make use of your personal tutor as they want to make sure that you're thriving at Landau!

Mr Bevan
Captain of a Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association Company. I enjoy playing the piano and organ at my local church. If I had the time I would build a model railway.
I once tested the Queen's Bath water
Make new friends and enjoy every day at school. Be kind to your teachers.

Miss Bobrek
Learning Support Assistant
I like dogs and learning new languages
I am sure that being a Landau student will be an incredible journey. There is nothing to fear, you will make lots of new friends and you will have plenty of opportunities to show your talents.

Miss Boulaghrasse
Geography and History
Horse riding, embroidery and attempting to learn new languages!
I'm 1/2 Moroccan, 1/4 Palestinian, 1/8 Danish and 1/8 English and I love different foods from all these countries!
Be kind to yourself, and to your peers. There will feel like some big changes to your school life at the start, but you will quickly settle in and enjoy your time at Landau!

Miss Bourne
I love travelling to new places and cooking new recipes!
Landau is a fantastic place- I was new here two years ago, any new start is scary but you’ll feel at home in no time!

Miss Brannigan
T6 Manager and Learning Support Assistant
Walking my dog, Hector and teaching him new tricks! Crocheting, baking, gardening and anything craft related!
I came to Landau as a student when I was younger in 1998! Here I am all these years later!
Everyone has been in this situation before, of starting at a new school. The staff and students are really friendly here, if you are lost or worried about anything, ask! Someone will be happy to help you!

Mr Brayshaw
IT Support Technician
I like to play Golf and watch Football. I also enjoy watching movies (aren't The Avengers great?!)
Many years ago I used to work at Alton Towers; operating the rollercoasters Nemesis and Air.
Don't rely on USB memory sticks to save your important work. They can get lost and damaged which means you might lose all of your hard work. Instead, make good use of your personal network storage space that you will get. It is backed up everyday, so we can help if you accidentally delete it!

Mr Butler
Values/Religious Education
Football - support Fulham, walking and running, reading
I was born in 1978; the year the Catholic Church had 3 Popes.
Hakuna Matata

Miss Cain
Of course I love History and love going for walks round castles or stately homes such as Calke Abbey and Kedleston Hall with my two Labradors Peggy and Dora. In my spare time I also love going to the cinema and will see any kind of film as I love it so much!
My claim to fame is that before I became a teacher I was a 'box hostess' for Burton Albion football club. Rio Ferdinand, Wayne Rooney and Roy Hodgson came to watch a match and I was serving them drinks in their box. I was a little nervous and split wine all over their table and ruined Rio Ferdinand's lunch! Luckily they found the funny side to it and left me a £100 tip!
Change is tough, so take each day as it comes you will have good days and bad days but remember the teachers are their to help you, talk to them if you are struggling! Get involved with a club as this is a great way to make new friends! Try the chocolate chip cookies they are yummy!

Mr Calow
Cycling, cooking, caravanning, car racing, alliteration.
Here are three things about me. Only two of them are true. Guess which one is not true!
1. Whilst camping in Scotland many years ago, the handbrake cable snapped on the car. We had it fixed by the son of the clan chief of the Monroe clan, in a workshop behind his castle.
2. I have been to Formula One Grands Prix in four different countries: Hungary, Belgium, Monaco, UK
3. I can do a wheelie on my bike with no hands.
Learning at school is about learning to learn for the rest of your life. Getting a place at Landau Forte means you have the best possible chance of becoming an even better learner than you already are. Make your bed - if you wonder what I mean by that, have a little search on the internet.

Mrs Carey
Going to the gym, running, going to the theatre and cinema. Travel.
I have taken part in the Great North Run (half marathon) for the last 3 years and I used to live and work in Spain
Get involved in as many of the extra activities as you can.

Miss Carter
Computer Science
Baking and country walks
I grew up in Cornwall where I represented the county in hockey, netball, athletics, rounders and volleyball. I represented Derby Uni in the Women's and mixed 8 in rowing.
Stay calm, ask if you don't know. Talk to as many new people as you can.

Mrs Clarke
I love reading, running and spending time with my 4 year old twin daughters.
I climbed Kilimanjaro and reached the peak just as the sun rose above Tanzania, spectacular!
Welcome to Life at Landau, it's a wonderful experience, ensure you make the most of what Landau has to offer.

Mrs Coley
Design and Technology
I garden on a shared allotment plot, love to cook, to paint, sketch and read. I enjoy cycling and like to work out regularly in a gym.
Every couple of years, I set myself a personal target. Last year I cycled alone to Bristol with little more than a tent.
Ask if you need help, everyone around you was also new to Landau Forte and we all know how it feels. You're going to have a wonderful time!

Mrs Collington
Playing hockey for Derby. Playing netball for long Eaton. Running.
I used to play top flight hockey, in the National League.
Make the most of the opportunities offered to you and get involved in extra curricular activities.

Miss Cox
PE and Science
I have lots of animals, so they keep me busy! I enjoy riding my horse Jack and walking my two dogs. I have also been swimming competitively since I was 9 years old (so a long time now!!).
I have been swimming consistently at National level from the age of 15 and British Championship level from the age of 17. I have also done Tetrathlon at international level (running, shooting, swimming and horse riding).
Your first year at Landau will be full of new and exciting experiences. My advice is to never be afraid to ask for help and most importantly enjoy yourself!

Mrs Cresswell
Performing Arts - Dance
I love all things dance and regularly attend local and national theatres to see dance performances including musicals too! My favourite musicals are Cats, 42nd Street and Matilda. I enjoy getting out and about on my bike with my daughters and I also enjoy baking (even thought I'm not very good at it!) and I love a good book too especially.
I am a good skier! I learnt to ski when I was 5 and we went skiing as a family every year as I was growing up until I went to University.
Get involved in our extension activities programme and our shows - these will look good on your CV in a few years time!

Mr Davies
Astronomy, Art, Books, Films, TV, Music, Cookery, Gardening, Archaeology, Travel, History, Video Games and Photography.
I have played guitar in a various different rock bands over the years and once got to play at The Cavern Club in Liverpool. As a massive Beatles fan, it was a very exciting experience for me!
Enjoy your learning and be kind to each other.

Mrs Davy
Music and Performing Arts
Walking in the peak district, playing in a band, sports, reading, playing with my two children
I make a mean curry and I can play two recorders at once!
Look for the positives and try not to focus on the bad.

Mr Dobson
English and Computer Science
Politics, strength training, cricket.
I have been learning to play the ukulele during lockdown
Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Be kind to people.

Mrs Edwards
Computer Science
Running and travelling around the world

Miss Elliott
Spanish and French
I enjoy running and reading.
I went travelling by myself for three months to Australia, Hawaii and Mexico.

Miss Evans
I love being active, running and bodycombat are my favourite activities. I am a big book lover and have being reading lots recently in the lockdown. My favourites genres are crime and thrillers.
I also love sport and support Liverpool.
I love cats! I have a cat called Lily who we rescued after she was left in a bag in our village.
I was once in the same position as you. I came to Landau Forte and remember being very nervous on my first day as I didn't know anyone. That first day turned out to be brilliant as everyone else feels exactly the same so you will soon make lots of friends! If you ever need any help make sure to ask! Try to get to know the other students in your tutor base it's always nice to know students in the other year groups and remember "You'll never walk alone!"

Miss Gaunt
My hobbies include playing Netball for a local derby team. I enjoy going for walks with my family & friends. I love chocolate and desserts.
I travelled to Tanzania for 2 months as a student, and ran girls sport, as well as helped in the local community.
Take every opportunity that is provided to you & don’t be afraid to try something new.

Mr Gidlow
My favourite hobby is reading and I love talking to people about their favourite books!
I have two cats and a dog.
Take everything one day at a time and don’t be afraid to make a mistake.

Mr Goodwin
I enjoy playing football and cricket and watching most sports. Supporter of Leeds United. Currently reading "Washington Black".
I lived and worked for a year in a school in Australia and visited New Zealand where I had tea in Hobbiton, skydived over Mordor and trekked over Mount Doom.
Feeling nervous is okay, remember everyone is in the same position as you are. At Landau there are lots and lots of opportunities to get involved with and try something new, so take advantage and get stuck in!

Mrs Hacking
Food Technology
My perfect day is spending time with my family and friends. I really enjoy walking, reading, swimming, yoga, gardening and anything crafty.
I love cooking, baking and visiting historic places and the zoo.
I've been teaching at Landau Forte College Derby for over 28 years and I've started to learn how to play the piano recently.
Give yourself time to get used to change. There is always someone you can talk to at school if you feel a bit sad or overwhelmed by everything.

Miss Haigh
Reading, Cycling, Swimming, Walking
I am currently learning French.
A bit of time does the world of good. Things might seem overwhelming for the first few weeks or you might panic the first time you forget your PE kit / homework / equipment, but you will get into habits pretty quickly and the big things will start to seem smaller.

Mr Harvey
Football, Golf, Liverpool FC. Spending time with my wife and young family.
I am a massive Liverpool fan and am hoping to see them lift the league trophy this summer! I also run my eldest boys football team and love seeing him and his friends enjoying the game as much as I do!
Stay calm, keep smiling and don't worry! You will soon get the hang of things and we are all here to help! Be open minded and try as many things as possible!

Miss Hawker
Learning Support and Care Assistant
I currently attend an adult street dance class and have enjoyed learning different variations of dance from a young age. I have took an interest in baking more recently, I love to gripping crime/thriller type books and I also enjoy countryside walks.
I have travelled to many different countries over the world whilst working for Carnival Cruise Line as a Youth Counsellor. My 3 top places in the world to visit would be Hawaii, Alaska and the French Alps.
Don't be afraid to ask for help, starting somewhere new can be very over whelming but we are a lovely, friendly bunch and we hope to provide a warm and engaging learning environment where you can make new friends and experience new opportunities.

Mrs Hornby
Cycling, playing the guitar, trying out new recipes and cuddling my kittens
I entered a song writing competition when I was at school but was beaten by some randomer called Gary Barlow....!
It’s alright to get lost and everyone does. Just ask one of the older students to help you because they love welcoming the new Year 7s!

Miss James
I love cooking and baking. I can be found reading a book before bed. Film are always on at the weekend. I enjoy walks in the countryside with my family and exploring National Trust properties.
Secretly I like watching Marvel films shhhh. I can also play the flute and saxophone and I used to play in a jazz band.
Always ask questions, our students (and staff) are all lovely and will always help you.

Mrs S Jones
When I have some free time, I enjoy reading and spending time in the garden. I have recently created a vegetable patch where I am trying to grow vegetables. I also play badminton each week.
I once fainted in the middle of teaching a class and fell on the floor!
Enjoy each day. Do your best. Be kind to others.

Mrs A Jones
Art and Design
Being an Art teacher I love Art and getting creative!! It allows you the freedom to express how you feel in a way that you may struggle with words. I’ve always practiced illustration and figurative still life drawing, and now love teaching lots of new budding artists about how to get creative.
I love new challenges and enjoy getting out doors exploring nature for lots of runs. I’ve ran lots of hard and interesting routes but one of my favourites was when I competing in the London Marathon... hopefully I will do that again in the future!!
Get creative, enjoy taking Artistic risks and most importantly have fun! As one of my favourite French artist Henri Matisse once said “creativity takes courage” be brave and enjoy the journey!!

Mrs Kenworthy
All things Eco. I'm currently trying to encourage hedgehogs into my garden by building them a shelter they can hibernate in. I also love baking 🙂
My granddad was called Harry Potter, and I'm a real Potter-head.
Anything you're worrying about - tell someone straight away, we can usually fix it quite quickly.

Mrs King
Science Technician
Walking, Cycling and Gardening - I enjoy getting outdoors!
I help with the Duke of Edinburgh Award in College
Enjoy your time at Landau - it's a great place to study. Enjoy meeting new people and learning new things. You will soon learn your way around the building. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Miss Knight
A bit of everything but mainly Science
I love dancing and have recently become a keen baker. My interests are travelling to new countries to explore them, their history and their local cuisine (food!). I also love dogs!
I have danced at the Royal Albert Hall six times, as well as Her Majesty's Theatre, Sadler's Wells and Disneyland Paris.
Being an ex pupil myself, enjoy it, take all the amazing opportunities that you can. It really isn't as scary as it looks and the vertical tutor base works really well, it is like having a little family, everyone likes to look out for one another (even if the older years may scare you when you first start)

Mr Mahalski
Values, Religious Studies, Psychology & EPQ
Cycling, bouldering, paddle-boarding, Napoleonic History, Travel & Reading
I once served a full English Breakfast to Mick Jagger
Always give it your best

Mrs Maidment
Art and Design Technology
Making, creating, cooking, gardening & exploring. Listening to podcasts. I love crime thrillers. I have an eclectic music taste and love Indie music and Jazz.
I don’t sit still. My favourite place is outside, especially in the summer. I like finding new places and green spaces. I especially love going to forests & beaches. They help me find calm in the chaos!
Mistakes are opportunities. Fail forward!

Dr Moazzam
I am a firm believer in having a balance between mind and body. I enjoy reading scientific journals (especially Nature and New Scientist) and papers of interest to keep updated with current affairs and research. I am a keen sports person and once a serious weightlifter! I still like going to the gym, playing cricket, badminton, squash, swimming and cycling; obviously, not all on the same day!
Before teaching I worked in several jobs, including: secretary and coordinator in a supplementary school, a private tutor, a medical sales representative and a research scientist looking for a cure in cancer. However, one of my most interesting jobs was also working as a manager of an Indian/Pakistani Restaurant, where I was also able to learn, cook and develop as a chef; cooking all sort of Asian foods, combining the art of cooking with my science background.
"The best view comes after the hardest climb"

Mrs Needham
Learning Support Assistant
Baking bread and cakes, reading a good book (PG Woodhouse is my current favourite) and Pilates.
I have a degree in Children's book Illustration, and still hope to write a children's book one day.
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" Audrey Hepburn

Miss Quinn
Science (mainly Biology)
I enjoy fitness , travel and learning new random facts about the world and the human body!
I have two ragdoll cats called Yaya and Kolo (after the footballers).
Always ask if unsure and seek the wisdom of others in your tutor base 🙂

Miss Reed
I love playing the piano and reading books or listening to audiobooks about things I learnt at school and uni and then forgot!
I have a one-eyed cat called Chas
Never be afraid to ask for help - no one knows everything straight away!

Mr Riggott
Sports Coordinator
All things sport- football and cricket are the main. Cycling in my free time!
Played cricket in New Zealand for a year as an overseas player.
Always ask for help! Everyone at Landau is more than happy to assist.

Mrs Rowe
Spending time with family, reading, shopping, eating out.
I am Head of Liberty House and I am pleased to say we won the first ever annual house cup last year!
You may feel like ‘small fish in a big pond’ but it’s the start of a great adventure! Always try your best in everything you do and remember we are all here to support you!

Mr Sakaria
Football, music, cooking, FIFA
I can speak 5 languages - none of them very well!
Always buy your morning potato waffles in multiples of 3

Mrs Sandhu
Reading, swimming, cooking
I have worked at Landau for 13 years now, I have really enjoyed seeing students start in Year 7, grow in to wonderful young adults and leave after Year 13. I can speak three languages, Hindi, Punjabi and English. I enjoy translating for parents who struggle with English.
You are very fortunate to have a place at this wonderful school, the reception team are to here to help you, any questions you need to ask, feel free to talk to us. We look forward to seeing you in September.

Miss Shergill
I enjoy reading, blogging and spending time with family and friends.
I can recite the alphabet backwards!
Secondary school can seem scary, especially after lockdown, but don't worry. Everyone is in the same boat, we all get a little nervous whenever starting a new experience. Take this as a fresh start, all the teachers and staff at Landau will be here to support you and we are really excited to meet you!

Mrs Singh
Swimming, reading and watching Frozen 2.
I can speak four languages (excluding English).
Read. Not just in class and in school but at home, in bed, on the bus wherever you like. Read what you want and what you can. Then watch yourself grow.

Mrs Siviter
I am a big Derby County fan and have had a season ticket since I was a child. With 3 young boys at home, my weekends are usually dominated by football. I like to keep fit and active, particularly walking and cycling. During the school holidays, I enjoy lots of family fun, going out on day trips and exploring new places.
I was a student at Landau Forte College too! I was in one of the very first cohorts and spent 7 happy and successful years here.
Make the most of every opportunity. Work hard, engage well and make happy memories. You never know, you might return as a teacher one day!

Mrs D Smith
I work in the Information Centre
I enjoying gardening and baking. I like spending time with my family and friends and travelling to other countries.
I am going to become a grandparent for the first time, I am very excited.
Enjoy all the new experiences you will learn at LFCD. Always try your best and be kind to others.

Mrs L Smith
Design and Technology
I love travelling, cooking, drawing and making things from all sorts of materials!
I have been to lots of countries but hope to visit lots more, there are so many places still to see in the world!
Always ask if you need help, never think you are alone. Everyone at Landau is super friendly and even the bigger students were in your shoes once!

Mr Smith
Spending time with family and friends, Shrovetide, Travelling, Geography, Running, Rugby, Football, Tennis
I am a Shrovetide goal scorer (I think that this is interesting but every other member of staff at Landau doesn't!)
I look forward to meeting you all in August where your journey at Landau Forte College begins.

Mrs Spencer
Learning Support Assistant - Visual Impairment Specialist
I enjoy nice peaceful walks in the countryside with my dogs. Reading is next in my list for relaxing. I also enjoys baking, but mostly eating what I have baked!!
I can read and write in braille.
Don't be afraid to ask for help, there is always someone there to listen and help.

Miss Sung
Reading, hiking, cycling, cooking, travelling ... none of which I currently have much time for with 2 young children of my own!
Known to some as the "Pocket Ninja", I haven't always been a maths teacher.
"'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!" - Alice in Wonderland
Unsure? Just ask! We're a friendly bunch at Landau and there's always someone who can help.

Mrs Uff
I love to run and race distances from 5k to Half Marathon. Over the past few years, I've realised that I am fascinated by the UK's birds of prey and love finding out more about these amazing creatures. I love reading about science, the universe and how / why things work.
I am related to the man who invented the radio and the man who invented a very famous brand of Irish whiskey! I also have two cats called Penelope and Jemima.
Always be prepared and ready to learn. Be willing to make lots of new friends and, above all, have fun on your new adventure at Secondary School!

Mrs Vaughan
Learning Support Assistant - English
I really enjoy long walks with my husband. We have certainly walked a fair few miles during lockdown! I also read a lot and I can easily lose myself in a book for hours on end.
Make the most of your time at Landau and don't be daunted to try new things.

Mrs Vest
Learning Support Assistant
Anything Arty! Reading and Visiting Historical Places
I love animals, and have a yellow Labrador
Don't worry if you need help, just ask, everyone's lovely at Landau

Miss Watkins
I love to spend time with my family, go on walks in the countryside, and to travel to and explore new countries.
I lived in Australia for a year and I managed to travel around the country, see wonderful things, and I even did a Sky-Dive!
We are so excited to have you join us here at LFC Derby - try not to be worried or afraid about it. The staff and older students are fantastic and are always happy to help if you need anything.
There are so many fantastic after school activities and clubs, so be brave, try something new and you might discover a new love for something!

Mr Whiteley
Love watching and playing most sports - particularly playing football and cricket. Enjoy going to the gym most days. Big Derby County fan. Enjoy reading a crime thriller and listening to any Mumford & Sons Album
Went to play cricket in Australia and use to work for a landscape gardening company during the summer whilst at university
Go to extension clubs after college as this is a great opportunity to make new friends and meet people with the same interests as yourself. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you are unsure about something as very often someone is in exactly the same position and also are unsure.

Mrs Williams
Office Manager
I enjoy being creative, particularly at home and in the garden.
At 19, I moved to America and lived in New York. It was one the bravest things I've done.
Enjoy and embrace this exciting new chapter!

Miss Wrampling
Performing Arts - Drama
I love acting and spend a lot of time in rehearsals and performing outside of school
I can say the alphabet backwards
Be excited - there is a whole new world waiting for you and we can't wait to welcome you into it!

Mrs Wright
Horse riding and reading historical crime fiction or dystopian stories.
When I was younger, I used to work on a race horsing yard.
"A reader lives a thousand lives before they die.... The person who never reads lives only one." George R. R. Martin.